There's No Place Like Homeless
Enough of what you ask?
The traffic?
Nope, although annoying, that is not it.
The rain?
Although wet, and nothing like snow in the winter, which I miss, is not it either.
What is it then?
It is those "homeless" people that show up on all major intersections around the Vancouver/Burnaby boundary. I don't mean the full out, wicked homeless people. Not the people that look like they have been ran over by a garbage truck. I mean the people that look freshly homeless, heck, they might not even be homeless yet but are just preparing for it. They stand around with the cardboard sign that says "No Work, No Money, No Home, Please Help". I have a problem with them.
This is not mean spirited. This, like with the lady in the gym, is supposed to help. This is going to be a step by step on how to get yourself back on your feet.
1. Get a real haircut. I know that jobs are hard to come by but you don't look very employable with the middle of your head shaved and the rest long around either side, like a reverse mohawk. That look has to go. But you are saying haircuts cost money and you don't have any. First of all, where did you get the bad haircut from in the first place because I know it doesn't grow in like that. Second, find a rusty pair of scissors or a razor blade and clean that mess up. Go with a haircut you can set your watch by. Trust me, it won't be perfect but at least better than what you got going on.
2. Try harder. Anyone can stand there with a sign. Kudos on the neat printing in the block letters but you need to provide more. Take a hint from the squeegee kids. Those guys are proactive and real go getters. They have drive and a vision. I bet they do better than you "stinky statue".
3. Lose the dog. I mean come on, that is just cruel for the dog. I am waiting for the day for someone to pull over, run into the median, and grab your dog and take it to a better place. You have enough fleas for both of you and there is no sense in giving them to the dog. Also, if you are really broke and really need food why the hell would you split it with the dog. Hell, eat the dog if you need to.
4. Quit damning the man. As you can see this has gotten you nothing but homeless. It is time to take a less aggressive approach with the "man". Maybe if you treated the man a little bit better then that job at Burger King might have really worked out.
5. Get off the reefer. This is doing nothing for you and will continue to do nothing for you. You look burnt out, you smell burnt out, and it only make you more hungry and that is the last thing you need since you are low on food already.
OK, those are five easy step to turning your life around. I can not help you with everything but a bath might help, maybe non-army style boots wouldn't hurt, and put your pride in your pocket. Things can only go up when you are on the bottom floor.
Well, except if you start giving hand jobs for crack or something worse, then you entered the underground parking garage and it is very easy to get lost down there.