Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Outlet

Have you ever had the desire to write a book? A novel? A screenplay? Because I have. I have always wanted to see if I could write something underground, in my spare time, and then spring it on the world and become rich and famous. I thought i might give it a try in my blog and then I get lazy, or I start watching a re-run of Seinfeld and get distracted. Today was an episode when Jerry suggests the three-way with his girlfriend's roommate and she is down with it and then...nevermind, I am distracted once again.

Back to topic...

I have tried to put some things together but I have never really followed through because I can not tell a great story and keep the plot moving at a good pace. I just kind of describe some things and then explode into a ending. I don't think that will work for 300 pages or so of a novel. Maybe I start something and have my audience review me...nah.

I have also thought of trying to do a PodCast but I think I need some technical help (Magnus?) to get that set up. I would have my own weekly radio show and how great it would be. I just want to do something more creative with this blog. Something must be done, Something!