Friday, June 30, 2006

Democracy is a Sham

I feel that after a week of voting that I am starting to believe Democracy is a flawed system. There is no way that not a single person voting thought that "6 years was not long enough". I feel that maybe the question was misunderstood.

Maybe the voting software had an error.

Maybe Lola's Dad voted 12 times. That sort of thing doesn't fly here in the Fast Lane. Maybe in the Communist Suburb of North Vancouver where the people are all sheep. We here at the Fast Lane are all free thinkers not affected by other peoples opinions. Isn't that right Fast Laners?

Crowd Responds, "That's Right! Viva Duncan!"

I don't know what happened but I do know that something went haywire.

So here is the solution. We are going to have another poll. And this time I want you all to take this seriously. I don't want any double votes - North Shore, I am looking at you. I don't want anyone affected by marriage propaganda and strong arm tactics but the Pro Ball-N-Chainers. Let your heart make the choice.

I know you will all make the right choice.

Isn't that right "Fast Laners!!!"

Crowd Rejoices, "Viva Democracy! Viva Integrity! Viva Duncan!"

Sunday, June 25, 2006

See You On The Flip Side

The interesting thing this weekend while I was away on a baseball trip, without my sweet Lola, is I got into the bed on the left side of the bed. I was sleeping near the bedside table that had the alarm on it. All seemed pretty normal. I was ready for a good night sleep on the left side of the bed. The really strange thing is that when I woke up in the morning I was completely on the right side of the bed. In my sleep I naturally move to my normal sleeping arrangement.

Is it just me or does every one have a 'side' of the bed. This my only apply to people that have been in extended relationships but I think everyone has a side of the bed that they sleep on. It is the side of the bed that they own. I own the right side of the bed. While I have been sharing sleeping quarters with Lola for a few years I have almost always slept on the right side of the bed. On the cruise I was on the right side of the bed. In the hotel in Ft. Lauderdale. At her brother's on a air mattress on the floor. Was it always like this?

I know I have slept on the left with Lola before. In Orlando during the Air Conditioner episode and strangely any time we have spent the right at my parents.

Now the thought that comes into play is if there is a dominant side of the bed. Should I, as a man, be sleeping on a designated side? Is there a male or female side of the bed? Or is it just a matter of preference? I can't really remember but I think I never really had a side before. I usually just slept on the side with the alarm clock on it.

I guess I have now just been conditioned to sleep to the right.

Ring a bell and I will salivate.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Motivation

I have been having trouble getting myself back into the swing of losing weight. I have just fallen into the old habits of laziness. I blame baseball season for most of that. It is a really draining few months of the year and so when I do have time off between work and baseball I want to just sit around.

I need to start to get out golfing again and back hiking and try and start working out again. I have not been eating that bad; granola bars, yogurt, three meals a day but I am just not doing anything else.

I just need a motivation though. I think it is tattoo time again but I need to give myself a weight goal before I allow it. I say I should not be allowed to get my tattoo until I am under 220lbs. The proviso is that I stay under 220lbs for a month and then I can get a tattoo.

I am thinking about something like this. I am thinking about either covering up my old tattoo on my arm or getting this on my leg. I am not sure yet. Kudos if anyone can guess what the image represents.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ode to Terry Tate!! The Best Commercials Ever