Monday, January 01, 2007

Thank The Lord for the Night Time

It is really seems like a common sense thing. When you are driving somewhere would you rather drive at night, in the cold, dark night or in the day, filled with birds and sunny skies, and the endless possibilities that come with a warm sunshine?

Most people, without giving it a second thought, immediately answer that driving in the day is the only way to go.

Well I disagree and I think I finally figured out why.

My number one reason that I prefer to make the trip in the night time is that all the other drivers, especially the bad ones, prefer to go in the day. The night time usually means open roads. especially in bad weather it means I really only have to worry about my own driving and not the driving of the car that is beside me on the snowy corner. It is just me and my own mistakes. Plus with no one else on the road I can travel at my own speed and my margin for error is increased.

Hey, I have like two lanes all to myself. It is like living in the lap of luxury.

I can just go. I don't worry about big truck or rigs since I trust that they know what they are doing most of the time and usually and am only around them long enough drive past them.

I have found that most of the traffic stoppages and slowdowns occur during the day. On my way home last week from Vancouver to Invermere there wasn't a single problem during my night time drive across the Roger's Pass. Not a slow down to be had. My Uncle came through some of the same roads the next day and said he saw three accidents on the side of the road, including one that cause over 150 cars to be lined up in a stop waiting for a chance to get through.

You might say that if there is a problem their would be no one around to help be I disagree as we traveled the Trans-Canada and Coquilhalla Highways. These places never sleep so there will be someone along the way if something does happen so I don't worry about it too much.

The other thing I like about the night time driving is that you get to your destination and then you get to sleep and wake up for a full day, fresh and alert, rather than driving in during the afternoon only to drag your ass for the rest of the day. It is almost like giving yourself an extra day to visit. That sort of trade-off practically pays for itself.

So don't think the night time is such a bad time to travel. Unless you are a bad driver and then please go ahead and stick to driving in the day.

Oh, and make sure you have lots of washer fluid.



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