Monday, January 15, 2007

Like the Planets Becoming Alligned

I find something curious about conspiracy theory. Stuff like did we really land on the moon or was it an elaborate hoax? What was the real reason behind the JFK assassination? Area 51? Why did Suzanne Somers leave 3's Company? It is all very interesting whether you believe any of the hype or not.

I now have my own conspiracy theory stemming from a couple events. There is a new Jim Carrey moving coming out called Number 23. It actually looks quite neat and seems to look like a theory how the Number 23 is a common element of a bunch of historical dates, for example, Sept. 11th, if you look at the date as 9/11/2001 and then sum all of the digits it adds up to 23 = 9+11+2+0+0+1.

Anyways, so with my curiosity in hand I googled the movie title and it brought up many search results as usual. Link to the official movie site, link to the movie on IMDB, link to the movie info on Wikipedia, and then something interesting. An actual article about the number 23 in wikipedia. This is where I made my discovery and the world really starts to make sense.

The number 23 is a big number in the world of white supremacy. This is because 'W' is the 23rd letter of the english alphabet. Obviously the 'W' represents the word 'white' and the further connection to then European decent. So that is interesting tidbit number one. This means nothing without some more information.

In Season 1 of Seinfeld there is the Episode where they all pile into the car and head to the mall and get lost in the parking garage. You know the one where Elaine has the goldfish in the plastic bag and George gets caught peeing by security. You may also remember in that episode that Kramer had bought an Air Conditioner. You may also remember that after walking around with it for awhile while looking for their car he decides to hide it is front of a park car so he doesn't have to carry it anymore and when they find the car they will come back and get it.

Can you remember where he hid it?

Check this out!!

He hides it at Purple 23.

That's right!! In number 23. In the number that is connected to white supremacy groups. Now given that Michael Richards was just exposed as a possible racist a few weeks ago in a Comedy Club this becomes a very interesting coincidence.

Could it be that the writers of Seinfeld knew this about Michael Richards all along and tried to let the rest of the world know, or did Michael Richards suggest that he should hide the Air Conditioner in stall number 23? We may never know.

That is my conspiracy theory.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you have an i.q. of 23. Fdawg or is it Stewwwy??

January 17, 2007 1:08 p.m.  
Blogger Todd said...

23...the number of days Fdawg has left till Tony steals away O-town.

That's a pretty sweet consiparcy theory. Were you watching the Mel Gibson flick on A&E the other day too?

January 19, 2007 9:57 a.m.  

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