Tuesday, October 24, 2006



2 S&S Granola Bars
2 Fruit Source Bars
1 Yogurt
1 Tuna Wrap w/ Side of Celery
Few Handfuls of Trail Mix - Raisins, Almonds, Peanuts, Cashews, M&M's
1.5 Burgers, Whole Wheat Bun, Pickles, Green Pepper, Tomato, Lettuce, No Condiments
1 Cup of Noodles - Half the Chicken Pouch - probably a little high on sodium
1 Apple Juice
0.5 Can of Coke Zero


30 Minutes on the Treadmill - Approx. 4 Km
10 Minutes on the Elliptical Trainer

3 Sets of:

Shoulder Press
Bench Press
Front Raises
Tricep Kick-Backs
Bicep Curls

Sit-Up with 3 Kg Ball
Torso Twists With 3 Kg Ball


Blogger Hien said...

GOOOOOOO duncan....GOOOOOOO you can TOTALLY do this (I am willing to bet ALL the money in my bank account ($2.52) on it!!!!). BTW, why am I NOT on your link and what are those numbers beside the names???

October 24, 2006 4:47 p.m.  
Blogger Duncan McAllister said...

The top part is the football pool standings. Look below and you will see your name in the links part, right below Tony's blog.

October 24, 2006 9:09 p.m.  

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