Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's Friday Night...I'm Sittin' On Chrome...and I'm Feelin' Alright

Yesterday was an ok day...although today I am feeling a little down. I am hitting the wall a little. It is a baby wall but I need to keep myself going.

Yesterday I Ate:

2 Sweet and Salty Granola Bars
2 Fruit Source Bars
1 Apple
1 Chicken Ceaser Salad Warp w/ a Side of Celery
1 Can Coke Zero
1 Glass of Crystal Light
2 Home Made Cheeseburgers - Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, No Condiments, Whole Wheat Buns
1 Glass - Vodka and 7-Up
10 Pieces of Double Bubble

Maybe I just ate too much yesterday. Or maybe it just feels that way.


The Energy Trail Loop- No Official Time was taken but it felt like Lola and I really busted some ass.

Today will qualify as my day off but I may try to squeeze in a little exercise. Tomorrow will be the start of Road Hockey so that will be good as well.

Well - here is to me continuing to try and conquer this. I am a man who likes quick results so the long road is by far the toughest to travel for me.


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