Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Opening Day....and I am Excited

Well, I watched the opening game for the Jays and I am really excited about this season. I think we have a legimate chance to make the playoffs. I watched the game and had a few thoughts and thought I would blog them, a la Bill Simmons, in chronological order.

Pre Game:

Troy Glaus is huge. Even standing next to Alex Rios who is pretty tall. Troy Glaus almost looks like Bruce Campbell (Army of Darkness) on steriods. Maybe I shouldn't assume steriods. He almost looks like Bruce Campbell on magical growth pills, or shots.
I am going to miss Tom Cheek as he was a great broadcast man. I did feel that the walk by Mrs. Cheek from mid-center field to the mound was a little awkward. The music in the background was not fitting. They might as well have played the baby elephant walk.

Blue Man Group does the national anthems. Nothing says patriotism like confused looking men covered in blue paint, royal blue paint. That was just weird.

Maybe Russ Adams will be a better shortstop this year.

Alex Rios in the 2 hole. Not where I had him in the lineup. I really like Alex Rios and think he has awesome upside. Like the poor mans Vlad Guerrero.

Game Starts:

Overbay was eaten alive by that ground ball. Don't worry fans he is a great fielder and if he slips then Hillenbrand or Heinske can go there.

Hillenbrand hits a soft one bouncer back to Santana and then runs like he is going to try and beat the throw. It is great to see a Major Leaguer hustle like that. I can't even imagine Barry Bonds blowin' full tilt down the line on a comebacker.

Pat Tabler is a great colour man. After last year and some of the temporary replacements that the Jays had, aka Darren Fletcher, I think Tabler is as good as it gets. Jamie Campbell on the other hand....

Man this Ump has a high strike zone. I just hope he stays consistant.

4th Inning:

E6 - Throwing Error. I hate Russ Adams. He is such a liabilty in the field and his offense does not make up for it. I would rather John MacDonald at shortstop and then hide him down in the 8th or 9th spot in the order.

Welcome New Blue Jays - Glaus hits a Double, Overbay Hits a single, and then after the Hillbrand Sac Fly, Bengie Molina absolutely pissed all over the hanging change. I am liking these acquisitions.

Did anyone notice Rios' hair cut? It was a throwback to Anthony Mason's ever changing head mural.

I wonder of the Jays make a drive into the playoffs if kids will want to start playing baseball again. I am so done with this soccer ambition.

After the 4th:

Shannon Stewart made a terrible read and took a terrible route on the long fly ball from Johnson and still made the catch. That was ridiculus. And it will make sportcenter as a great play. Folks - that should have been routine.

Miguel Bastista has the weirdest stance in history. I don't know why pitchers just throw outside and low. He would never reach it. And what kind of number is 77 - not a baseball number, a hockey number or maybe an offensive lineman. And he hit a Home Run. Dammit.

Alex Rios hits a jack to the opposite field in the 8th - did I not say I love this kid.

Geddy Lee was sitting behind home plate. Now why wasn't Rush doing the national anthems. I guess after the anthem on the South Park Soundtrack they just are all anthemed out. The other thing great about right behind homeplate is watching people crap their pants when a ball is fouled straight back. Man, is that ever funny.

BJ Ryan dominated the heart of the order in getting the save. I would like to see Batista strike out 2 out of 3. I still think we may have over paid for Ryan but ask me again 49 saves later.

Here's to the rest of the season. GO JAYS GO!!


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