Friday, April 28, 2006

I Was Saved by Jesus or Hay-Zeus if You're Nasty

It has been a few great days as we are now traveling up the West coast of Mexico. We still have just over a week left and the days continue to be filled to fun and relaxation. Lola continues to dominate all the competition and is now a celebrity on the cruise. People and always stopping her and congratulating her on how well she performed in whatever event of the day she crushed some old folks in. You will have to read Lola’s blog for more information. I recommend it. I would actually recommend that you stop reading my blog and read hers. It is just too funny.

A couple days ago we were in Costa Rica. I formally apologize to Hien for the late notice on our arrival in Puntarenas, or as I was to learn from you Hien, the beautiful city of Punt-Her-Anus. It was an action packed day as we went on a $100 taxi cab into the wilds of Costa Rica. We started by having the driver Jesus stop and buy some Bananas. It was like a dozen Bananas for like $0.75. That was worth the cab fare alone. From there we traveled along the well maintained highway…wait…I mean we traveled along the National Pot Hole Preservation and Research Facility to an unfinished resort called La Roca. It was unfinished because when they had started building it one of the investors took off with all the money. Now it is a tourist stop where they try and see the monkeys.

Well, we did not see the monkeys but we did see the first of several iguanas of the day but this one happened to be the biggest. With the tail it was probably close to 4 feet long. It was really amazing not to see an iguana in an aquarium under a heat lamp. In the tree above the where we saw the iguana was the find of the day.

In the tree was a coatimundi which looks like a cross between a fox and a raccoon with maybe a little monkey tail thrown in there. It was very cute and our cab driver, using some of the bananas we bought, coaxed it out of the tree. It was real cool. When we were leaving the La Roca compound Lola and I saw some birds up in the tree. I asked the driver if they were the frigate birds that we saw flying over the water. He replied with a “No, they are vultures.” I felt a little nervous about this cab ride now.

The next stop on the trip was at a bridge over looking a shallow and murky river. We walked out to the middle of the bridge, saw a few more iguanas along the way in a tree, and then we peered over the edge could see about 15 rather large crocodiles. Our cab driver threw down some of the banana we bought and the crocodiles snapped it up. It was really amazing. Leaving the bridge I asked the driver how they kept the crocodiles so close to the bridge and he jokingly replied “they feed them tourists.” I laughed and then made sure and hung onto the rail a little tighter. He later told us that the gift shop up the road will actually will throw down chickens to keep them close.

The next stop was Carara National Park. To every ones surprise the first thing we saw was an iguana. At this point our driver says he liked to eat iguana and, of course, it tastes like chicken. Pop Quiz: Guess what the driver said he feeds the iguanas? If you said popcorn you are incorrect. The correct answer is: Banana. Everything we saw with the driver ate banana. I think his car ran on bananas.

Ok, back to the trip, which is now heading into the Costa Rican rain forest. We weren’t going to take a guide with us but then decided it would be a better idea to learn about what we were seeing rather than just wander aimlessly. The first thing we saw after the iguana was a trail of leaf cutter ants. I have seen them on the nature channel but to see them in real life was awesome. It was like an ant super highway. Just marching along all carrying leafs and flowers. It was really cool. The walk continued for about two hours and we saw a lot of cool things. The three coolest things were:

3: The Super Poisonous Tree Frogs that were black and neon green

2: The Toucan, although we were not able to follow his nose a bowl of fruit loops

1: Basilisk Lizard: If you watch enough discovery channel you might also know these as the Jesus Christ Lizard because they can run on water. We were lucky enough to see a few make a break for it across a creek. That was really amazing.

Side Note: We also found out that everything in the jungle is poisonous or venomous and that most things kill by giving you a heart attack. I made sure to touch nothing. I wish I had brought a suit of armor.

We then left the jungle and returned to the boat. It was a really neat day.

I have let this posting go on a little too long. I will leave you with this quick update.

Today we were in Huatulco (pronounced Wha-tool-co. We have a few people from the boat that pronounce it some fun ways so you can also tell people that we were in Whata-lou-co or my favorite, Whata-tuk-chuck), Mexico. Tomorrow we are in for a full day in Acapulco and followed by a day at sea.

Tune in soon for Duncan’s Guide to Unknown Passengers and The Crew Bar Escapades. Also don’t forget to read Lola’s blog for more Cruisin’ Stories.


Blogger Hien said...

Now you know why I eat a massive amount of bananas everyday, cheap and filling. Yes, you have experienced costa rica if you had to take one of those F-ing pot hole roads...I have officially screwed up my back. and yes everything you saw was SUPER COOL...leaf cutter ants are SO COOL, they carry SO MUCH...anyway I work in that booby trap of a rainforest every week and I wish I had a suit of amor as well..good thing you enjoyed it! going back to Canada in three days and am sad..booooooooooooooooooooooooooo

May 05, 2006 11:34 p.m.  

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