Sunday, April 09, 2006

Almost there...

I am close to my goal with about 5 days to go. Actually I am close to both goals with about 5 days to go. I officially weighed in at 241 today. Just 1 lb from goal and the final pre-vacation weigh in will be on friday. To me this is a great milestone as I have not been below 244 in a vey long time. Lola and I were chatting and this is officially the lightest I have ever been since we have been dating. So that is just over 6 years. If I can drop into the 230's before we leave I would lose my mind.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for lots of support. My Mom and my Aunt were great motivators as they have lost a bunch of weight. My Mom looked great at Christmas. I haven't seen my Aunt in a long time (whoops, my bad) so I can't say much about how she is looking but from all accounts she is looking great. I give some inspiration to the show the Biggest Loser. That was pretty neat during one of the family editions. Ok, I have only seen the show once but it gave me the idea for posting my weight on my blog. I give big props to this blog and all its readers. I think because I am accountable to the blog it keeps me going when all I want is a bag of Doritos.

Lastly, and certainly, not leastly, the biggest motivation has been my Lola. However an overweight nerd ended up with an athletic hotty I will never know. I am trying my best to become an athletic hotty as well. Trying.

Lola is also the driving force in making sure that we get all the painting done before we leave. Actually, Lola is the driving force behind us getting any painting done at all. Just the living room and office to do before we leave. I think we can do it.


Blogger Gaby said...

Blah - I just bribe him with sex ;)

April 11, 2006 3:41 p.m.  

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