Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What Are You So Afraid Of?

I am going to have to tell everyone something and I know that you are not going to be happy about. I know a lot of people are not going to believe. This one comment could shake the foundation which you build your whole life on. This one thing could change your life not only today but forever.

What is it?

What could it be?

Well here it goes. Death exists! It will always exist and there is nothing you can do about it.

So your asking what is the point of bringing this up?

The point is that you do not have to live life being afraid of it because you can not avoid it. Sure you can avoid things like bugs, spiders, snakes, the outdoors, or kryptonite. You can do active things to avoid those situations. The thing with death is that no matter where you hide or how you live your life you are going to kick the bucket, bite the big one, push some daisies, or just keel over and die.

I am not asking everyone to invite death over and have a cup of tea. I am not asking people to go around with a blatant disregard for your own life. The last thing we need is a bunch of people trying new things because they can only live once. I am sure that not everyone needs to try and overdose on heroin just because this is the one life you got and need to try everything out. I am just saying that you should not go through life over cautious and being afraid of the avoidable. It would be like having a fear of taking a crap. You eat food, you are going to have to crap, live with it, and if you are like me, take the time to learn something new and read.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about writing crap? Cyril

July 05, 2005 1:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Duncan, I think that was a great post. Well done. I think Cyril needs to put his money where his big mouth is.....M

July 06, 2005 10:24 a.m.  
Blogger Duncan McAllister said...

I guess you could write about crap while taking a crap.

July 06, 2005 1:08 p.m.  

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