Monday, July 18, 2005

The Loss of Common Sense

I have lost faith in most people, or more accurately, I have lost faith in society.

I have lost faith in society and their ability to make decision based solely on common sense.

I have lost faith in common sense.

I now believe that common sense was taken into the back room of casino then tortured and killed, the body was driven out the desert, soaked in gasoline, set ablaze, then the ashes were scooped up in a coffee can, taken out to sea and mixed with chum and feed to the fishes.

I believe common sense is dead and is never coming back.

You are asking why? Why, Duncan, have you lost faith in common sense?

Well outside of people of the world just being crazy and outside the fact that George W. Bush was re-elected and that shows a blatent disregard of common sense there is a constant in my life that has been upset. That is baseball and baseball related sports, also known as softball. Why must such a simple thing be spoiled by such a blatent disregard for tradition and ultimately a blatent disregard for common sense.

What are these instances you ask? What could have happened to detroy my faith in common sense?

Let me start by saying that as readers of this blog you may have noticed that I have a serious problem with people not minding there own business and coming up with a whole bunch of societies rules to coddle and destroy today's youth. That should come as no surprise. So the first instance is again related to that tired old topic. An instance where a select few have decided it is time to coddle and wussify our youth even more.

Now for those of you who do not play baseball, let me explain a few things. Baseball is a low to nill collision sport. In the MLB you may see a catcher get run over every now and then. This is fine in the MLB because the size difference between runner and catcher is usually minimal so major injury can be avoided. In Little League and Midget ball we use a slide or avoid technique coming into home. This is because injuries are more likely to happen when you have a 6'3", 220 lb, giant 18 year old run over a 5'6", 150lb, 16 year old. Bad things happen there so rule makes sense. It is there to avoid injury.

In Midget ball though, for next season, they are going to start a slide or avoid rule at second base as well. This is just crap. You need to be able to break up the double play with a hard slide into the second baseman. I have only ever seen, let's see, no one get hurt breaking up a double play as a reseult of the contact that is made with the other player. Again I will see that common sense has left the building and a few over bearing parents with no idea on how baseball is played continue to destroy the integrity of the game.

Example two involves a wet and stormy night of softball. Let me poetically set the scene for this evening of lost common sense. It is about 6:00pm on a weekday, nothing truly unique about the day itself. It had been raining hard all day and it showed no signs of stopping. Ducks and geese were on the street corner complaining it was too wet out and cats and dogs were lining up two by two and heading down to the dock.

I begrudgingly head out to the softball field with my heirem and go there confident that tonights game will be rightfully cancelled. We get to the park and notice the other team setting up a tarp to stay dry as the rain continues to pour down. I laugh inside thinking what a waste of time it is as the umpire will take one look at the field and cancel the game. If anyone would contain some commonsense it will be the umpire. I was wrong. Game on! What? It is pouring!

I make a comment to the umpire that we should not be playing and he replies with, "but the field is in great shape". WHAT!?! THE FIELD!?! What about personal safety?

Does anyone want to guess how injuries happen at softball games?

Getting hit by the ball and twisting and pulling of limbs, such as ankles and knees.

Guess what happens when the field is soaking wet?

The field and the ball are slippery and the chance of injury goes up exponentially. This idiot umpire is concerned that the field is in good shape and not about the fact that people will be heaving a softball at 50 mph towards a runner at 1st base and may not have any control of that throw. It was like he was begging for an injury to happen just to see the result. He gets paid whether the game happens or not. What an sadistic ass!

Common sense is lost and I have been looking to find it with no luck yet. The hope is that natural selection will weed a few people out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally finally finally Dunk baby -- you pitched a no hitter. Cyril

July 18, 2005 9:25 p.m.  
Blogger Gaby said...

Just to add on that--I didn't get to go to the softball game :( Got to stay nice and warm in my gymnasium playing the good ol' game of basketball. Needless to say, I took one look at the weather and also assumed the game would get cancelled. Silly me.

July 19, 2005 6:11 a.m.  

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