Thursday, March 10, 2005

Just Because...

Just because you smoke in your car it doesn't mean that you can just dump your finished cigarette out the window.

Just because you want to stay up late doesn't mean the rest of the house wants to as well.

Just because you want to sleep doesn't mean I was done talking.

Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean everybody else needs to stop as well.

Just because I eat meat it doesn't mean that I think animal abuse is ok, except with cows and chickens, because they are dumb.

Just because you need into my lane in traffic, and I let you in, doesn't mean you can continue driving without a courtesy wave.

Just because you are late it doesn't mean you get to honk your horn in the traffic jam, that everyone else is stuck in.

Just because it is raining it doesn't mean you have to go 30 km/h below the speed.

Just because it is sunny out it doesn't mean you have to go 30 km/h above the speed limit.

Just because you need to say it, it doesn't mean you need to spray it.

Just because you didn't get a call doesn't mean you're not invited.

Just because you are cranky doesn't mean you get to rain on my parade or pee in my cornflakes.

Just because you are having a great day doesn't mean that I am.

Just because you have tomorrow off doesn't mean that I do and want to get pissed.

Just because a rule is stupid it doesn't mean you don't have to follow it.

Just because you think it is a good idea it doesn't mean it is.

Just because you think it is a bad idea it doesn't mean it is.

Just because you are not getting any doesn't mean you can cock block me.

Just because I said it to you it doesn't mean you can broadcast the world.

Just because I made a mistake this time it doesn't mean I will do the same thing again.

Just because I don't say it, it doesn't mean I don't feel it.

Just because I look happy to be there doesn't mean I am.

Just because I have am being quiet it doesn't mean that I am shy.

Just because I make a joke it doesn't mean you have to laugh.

Just because you don't like 'Jar Jar' doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you.

Just because I have a preference for dogs it doesn't means that I hate cats, but they are evil.

Just because you have a belief it doesn't mean you get to preach it to me.

Just because I haven't called it doesn't mean that you don't have my number as well.

Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean I shouldn't as well, because it looks fun.

Just because it looks fun it doesn't mean it is, trust me.

Just because it says it's good until March 11th, it doesn't mean it is. Eeeeewwwww!

Just because I look overweight it doesn't mean I can't play.

Just because you make more money it doesn't make you a better person, but it helps.

Just because I am taller than you doesn't mean the weather is any different way up here.

Just because your parents won't let you it doesn't mean they are being overprotective, but it sure feels like it. Man, I wish they would loosen up, I mean everybody else is allowed to go, and for crying out loud I am 26 and 11/12th years old.

Just because I am part of this generation it doesn't mean I have to be a politically correct wiener...what's that...sorry, I mean politically correct person lacking a sense of humour.

Just because I have a blog it doesn't mean I am a nerd, but it probably does.

Just because I am a "T" man doesn't mean I don't enjoy a little "n' A" as well.

Just because I have cell phone it doesn't mean I take it with me everywhere, especially when the battery is dead.

Just because it happens in a movie it doesn't mean that it can really happen.

Just because it really happened it doesn't mean it needs to be a movie. Enough with the bio-pics already.

Just because I live in Canada it doesn't mean that I care that the NHL is still locked out and it doesn't mean I need daily updates about it. I get it, they have been locked out for a long time, just figure it out already.

Just because the NHL is locked out doesn't mean I don't still hate the Leafs.

Just because it is a popular sport it doesn't mean it needs to be an Olympic sport. Once again Bowling should not be an event, and for that matter, neither should the trampoline, even though we got a medal in it.

Just because you can play it just as well hammered it doesn't mean that Curling is not a sport.

Just because it looks easy it doesn't mean it is, again, trust me.

Just because I am done doesn't mean you can not add a few of your own.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To quote a rap song:

Just because I want to it don't mean I will

Just because I'm angry it don't mean I'd kill

Just because she looks good it don't mean I'd hit it

March 10, 2005 10:03 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

March 11, 2005 8:25 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because Duncan is a liar, wears a wonderbra, hides beneath maple leaves and cannot deliver a high 5 doesn't mean he is a liar, wears a wonderbra hides beneath a maple leaf and fails miserably with high 5's. Cyril

March 11, 2005 8:28 p.m.  
Blogger T said...

Just because your fingernails need trimming and you work as a cashier at a store that sells nail clippers doesn't mean that it's ok to trim them at the checkout while you have customers shopping.

March 11, 2005 11:55 p.m.  
Blogger Gaby said...

Just because you have short hair and play sports, doesn't mean I--I mean you--should be labelled as a lesbian.

March 12, 2005 8:45 p.m.  
Blogger Hien said...

BILL! First time visitor to your blog..I didnt know you joined the BLOGGING world (we are all geeks). It is a nice way to spend my afternoon in Panama though;)BTW, I cant deliver a high five AT ALL, I blame it on the height difference...the entire air MISS is embarassing...but I have learned to give a lame high 5 as butt slaps here are not acceptable after a soccer game (not that I tried...)

March 13, 2005 11:30 a.m.  
Blogger Adam C said...

Just because I'm home does not mean i'll answer my phone. Please don't call me 5 times in a row on both phone numbers, i'm trying to watch Las Vegas.

March 13, 2005 12:18 p.m.  
Blogger Duncan McAllister said...

Hien - Welcome to my wonderful world. I vist your blog all the time but I usually neglect to post any comments.

Adam - That is a great "Just because.." and feel that I also subscribe to the same.

Everyone else - I felt this was a great group activity post and felt it should have garnered more response but props to Lola and Richard.

Cyril - I am not sure yours even makes sense so...yeah


March 13, 2005 9:10 p.m.  
Blogger Duncan McAllister said...

Again to Hien,

Thanks for sticking a pin in my map. I hope things are going well with the Bees.

March 13, 2005 10:32 p.m.  
Blogger Duncan McAllister said...

Whoops - And a great comment "T" followed with a collective "eeeewwwwww"

March 13, 2005 10:50 p.m.  
Blogger Hien said...

Bill aka Duncan, this is lame. I dont have your email account on hand so I email through your blog (sorry others) no, thank YOU for letting me stick a pin in your map (does that sound sleazy..because if it does I have been in CR too long). The bees are awesome, only been stung twice... thanks;)

March 15, 2005 12:41 p.m.  

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