Cana-No on Missile Defense
As I was snoozing in bed this morning I was listening to an all news radio station. I am not entirely sure why but that is just what I like to wake up to. Maybe it is the traffic and weather on the :01's but what ever it is I always seemed to get wrapped up into something they are reporting.
This morning was no different. My alarm went off, I hit snooze, seven minutes later my alarm went off, I hit snooze, seven minutes later my alarm went off but this time I didn't hit snooze. This time they were in a middle in a report about how "Americans" were outraged that we, as Canadians, did not want any part of the missile defense program. This kept my attention and really got my blood flowing.
I know that not all Americans care what we do, or think that it is a big deal that we choose not to be part of this next generation of Star Wars, but there are some out their that think we are taking a free ride to protection. That we know that if a missile comes soaring over the ocean with dead aim on Edmonton that our American friends will bail us out. That we just do not want to foot the bill for the protection.
Well, here is what my opinion is (remember that this is my opinion and I am entitled to think what ever the hell I want to).
First off I have never been more proud and happy and thankful to be a Canadian then I have been over the past 4 years. Coincidently the very same years that George W. has been leader of the United States. Our leaders have finally made some great, yes controversial, but fantastic decisions. We decided not to follow the USA to Iraq to take over all the oil, whoops, I mean liberate Iraq of all its oil, crap, I mean of that terrible man Saddam. Now we have decided not to be part of this crazy missile defense program.
These are great things and I do not care if is ticks all those red blooded Americans off.
Now lets make a couple things clear.
We are neighbours by geography, not by ideals. We happen to have set up our great country next to theirs. That doesn't mean that we should or have to do everything they do. Anything they can do, we can do better, well, expect maybe television. I do thank them for that because if I had to watch "Wind at My Back" while growing up and would be a much different man.
Canada would help you if you were truly in danger. It is just that we thought that Bin Laden was the bad guy and we didn't see what oil had to do with it. Do I feel safer that Saddam is gone? The short answer is no, because I never really felt in danger before.
Why do we not want to be part of the missile defense program?
Because we do not need to be. Not one leader in the world is cursing Canada when they wake up in the morning. They don't read the morning paper and see Canada forcing themselves on other countries and being big bullies. They don't get up in the morning and say, "Man, that Paul Martin is a real dink. We should bomb the crap out of Sudbury and that pompous big nickel. That will show them."
News Flash!!
The world hates America.
Canadians are not in danger and we have our security in who we are and what we stand for. You don't see us rushing to sew little American flags on our backpacks before we travel. Strangely you are sewing the Canadian flag to yours. Why? Because you know that everyone doesn't like you as well and now you need missile defense just to be safe.
You can have your missile defense shove it. I know we will be safe under our maple leaf.
This morning was no different. My alarm went off, I hit snooze, seven minutes later my alarm went off, I hit snooze, seven minutes later my alarm went off but this time I didn't hit snooze. This time they were in a middle in a report about how "Americans" were outraged that we, as Canadians, did not want any part of the missile defense program. This kept my attention and really got my blood flowing.
I know that not all Americans care what we do, or think that it is a big deal that we choose not to be part of this next generation of Star Wars, but there are some out their that think we are taking a free ride to protection. That we know that if a missile comes soaring over the ocean with dead aim on Edmonton that our American friends will bail us out. That we just do not want to foot the bill for the protection.
Well, here is what my opinion is (remember that this is my opinion and I am entitled to think what ever the hell I want to).
First off I have never been more proud and happy and thankful to be a Canadian then I have been over the past 4 years. Coincidently the very same years that George W. has been leader of the United States. Our leaders have finally made some great, yes controversial, but fantastic decisions. We decided not to follow the USA to Iraq to take over all the oil, whoops, I mean liberate Iraq of all its oil, crap, I mean of that terrible man Saddam. Now we have decided not to be part of this crazy missile defense program.
These are great things and I do not care if is ticks all those red blooded Americans off.
Now lets make a couple things clear.
We are neighbours by geography, not by ideals. We happen to have set up our great country next to theirs. That doesn't mean that we should or have to do everything they do. Anything they can do, we can do better, well, expect maybe television. I do thank them for that because if I had to watch "Wind at My Back" while growing up and would be a much different man.
Canada would help you if you were truly in danger. It is just that we thought that Bin Laden was the bad guy and we didn't see what oil had to do with it. Do I feel safer that Saddam is gone? The short answer is no, because I never really felt in danger before.
Why do we not want to be part of the missile defense program?
Because we do not need to be. Not one leader in the world is cursing Canada when they wake up in the morning. They don't read the morning paper and see Canada forcing themselves on other countries and being big bullies. They don't get up in the morning and say, "Man, that Paul Martin is a real dink. We should bomb the crap out of Sudbury and that pompous big nickel. That will show them."
News Flash!!
The world hates America.
Canadians are not in danger and we have our security in who we are and what we stand for. You don't see us rushing to sew little American flags on our backpacks before we travel. Strangely you are sewing the Canadian flag to yours. Why? Because you know that everyone doesn't like you as well and now you need missile defense just to be safe.
You can have your missile defense shove it. I know we will be safe under our maple leaf.
Duncan Duncan Duncan -- you tread ever so harshly into sacred territory. Your opinion should be shoved in the same area that you suggest our wonderful neighbours to the south should shove their missile sheild program. Wake up and smell the coffee. Your former friend Cyril
The fun thing about missle defense is that it doesn't work. This pathetic hold over from the Regan era is basically a cash cow for a large number of defense contractors and the US government would love to pass off some cost to Canada to (not) protect them from missles that are (not) going to fly over their airspace.
Oh Cyril - Don't be mad at what I think. This is all meant to insight conversation and debate. I decided to take a harsher road with this because it makes it funnier, in a shock jock kind of way. Just like when I make fun of people from Quebec. Have some soup and try to feel better.
I suppose you would not be recommending pea soup because of the Quebec inference. Hold your poison pen please Duncan. Cyril
Poison pen? My pen is full of an ink of the endangered weeping octopus and is really only poisonous to the sick and the elderly.
proud to be canadian as well! there is definitely too much pain in the world...there must be a better way...power and war cannot be the answer.
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How you think the States got to where they are without the Power and War?? It's the only way they know how.
I love the fact that Cyril is speaking his/her mind, even though it's a little warped... "wake up and smell the coffee"?? That statement should be directed at our wonderful neighbours. I've never seen more people swallow such garbage that the Bush administration is giving out.
It's so painfully obvious that the only reason they're "liberating" the Middle Eastern countries is because they're interested in the resources for themselves. If they were actually on the march for freedom, they would've directed their oh so powerful army against other real countries in need. Can anyone say Rwanda?? Massive genocide happening in many parts of Africa but the US could give a %&*$ about them. Stomping out enemies against freedom?? US would've invaded Cuba by now if they were actually interested in liberating people from the ever "diabolical" communism. I could go on and on... I don't really want to sit here and bash Americans--that's not the intention. Besides, it's way too easy.
Well well well -- Is there really a Lola or does Duncan have a pen name? Cyril The Man doesn't fall for your transparent deception Duncan. Again Wake up and smell the coffee!!!! Cyril the true friend of our American Cousins
Yup, there ya go Cyril, you nailed it right on the head--we're not "the true friend(s) of our American Cousins"... wow, so smart. I mean, "I'm" not the true friend--oops. It's getting harder and harder to lie on the internet...
Dunk Baby why are you answering your own blog under the psuedonym Of Lola? Your reader(s) is aware of your duplicity? Cyril
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