Monday, January 24, 2005

Start Small for Success

So you want to take over the world and you think you have the perfect plan. Well I have one piece of advice for you; Start Small for Success. In short I will illustrate the three 'S's and how they can help you accomplish anything you dream of doing.

Step 1: Start
To accomplish anything you have to start doing something. Now I realize that as kids if we left something long enough it would just end up done. The laundry seemed to fold itself, the dishes would be spotless, and the bed would make itself. I will let you in on a little secret - your Mom did all of those things for you. So plan a start date like, say, today, tomorrow afternoon, in a fortnight, just a timeline so you know how much planning you are going to have to do. Keep in mind the size of the project.
If you want to literally take over the world, tomorrow might not be a good day to start. There would be lots of opposition to that so you may want to plan rebuttals and defenses, hide outs, secret liars...I think I am doing all the planning so I will stop there but keep all of that in mind. As the boyscouts would say, "Be Prepared and Bring Clean Underwear". Well not all scout troops would say the second part but it is a good idea.
You almost have to start twice - start planning and then start executing.

Step 1 A: Start Planning
What do you need for what you want to accomplish? Paper, pencils, nuclear warheads, whiteout, an internet connection, maybe some beer, and most definitely a reliable pizza delivery service. Nothing can solve problems or hold you through all night planning sessions, or what I would like to call it, "The Session", like good pizza. Think about all the roadblocks in your way, competition, money restraints, possibly the government. Think about how to get past those road blocks, write those ideas down. You may need to bring in a partner, employees, henchmen, or maybe a breakaway republic, I suggest former USSR blocks, for some much needed help. There is power in numbers. As they say, "two minds are better than one".

Step 1 B: Start Executing
Now you have all the "ducks in a row", or I guess you could say, have things organized it is time to start executing the plan. But what is step one, how does one start, what is the most important thing? My friends, I have the answer - it is in the second 'S'.

Step 2: Small
Start small my friends. You don't want to waste all of that planning to take over the world with one big blast and have nothing left over, leaving you high and dry, or maybe low and wet, or worse, a prison girlfriend.
Let's say you have ideas of total world domination. Don't start at the world level. You wouldn't stand a chance. So you may ask, "maybe I will start will just one city then". I say that is the right idea but not small enough. Here is the idea.
Go to the neighbourhood playground and take it over - but in pieces, not all at once. There could easily be a couple dozen highly trained jungle gym kids there and they would take you out faster than you think. Patience is the key. Again, keep small in mind. Start with the sand box. Move in slow, look natural, bring a bucket, a shovel, maybe a sandwich, you could get hungry.
Patience now, start building a sand castle, dig a small hole or trench around the castle. After a few minutes some of the kids will join you seeing your fun, and the key with the sand box is it with definitely draw the attention of the small ones. They are weak and easily moved around and not likely missed. So they gather around the castle, what do you do, you push them in and bury them in sand. Quadrant one has been secured. You have easily weakened the Jungle Gym force by 4-6 members. Now move to the merry-go round.
Offer kids a ride and start pushing. Don't run with them or you will tire too quickly and risk getting dizzy. Stand to the one side and start pushing. 3-5 more kids will be too dizzy to function in a short 2-3 minutes. Now the castle ahead, the everest, the jungle gym. Again split it into parts.
The slide, the rings, the bars, and finally the platform. Now look what has happened. You have taking over an entire playground with little brute strength and all with good planning, good patience, and by starting small, and you were still done in 15-20 minutes. You are King of the Castle, breathe it in. Now plan the next take over.
Always look to take the smaller ignored pieces first and when you finish you can add then together and then take out the bigger pieces with more ease. Don't just go to take over the world. Take a smaller piece first, like Wyoming or Outer Mongolia, and like the small kids, no one will miss them anyway so you will meet little resistance. Once you have Wyoming, Nebraska is your oyster and Montana and South Dakota can't be far behind. Soon you have enough smalls to capture the bigs.
Also imagine that each time you take a small it is a practice run for the final fight. Sure the sandbox was easy, but wasn't the platform that much easier when everything around it already gone and you have had all the first hand practice you need for a quick take over. Trust me - the platform is easier to capture when you don't have to worry about those crazy monkey bar kids moving in on the blind side.

Step 3: Success
This isn't so much of a step rather than a result. I believe it was Bill Murray who was told to take "Baby Steps" in What About Bob? It doesn't have to be all done at once. Remember that all the smalls will help you defeat the bigs. Success occurs during each task. The sandbox was a success, the slide was a success, Nebraska was a su....well, it doesn't count as a success if you can shoot fish in a barrel, that was a can't miss. You could take out Nebraska with a flashlight. I mean these are people proud of growing corn...corn...I took a crap in the woods and planted corn and I don't think I am that special. Try growing potatos with McDonald's breathing down your neck for the next shipment of fries. *Note - Idaho holds tremendous power but has a small population. Do not underestimate their take over.

In the end you can see that all tasks are possible if you use my "Three S" system. Live by it and things can only become easier - Start, Small, and Success. Remember Rome was not built in a day, they built the roads first. Okay, the roads were already there since they were made of dirt but someone had to decide where they go.


Blogger Tony said...

Yo have set the bar ridiculously high for yourself. GREAT POST! Keep 'em coming.

January 27, 2005 3:19 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you are jumping on the blogwagon, Bill...

Keep it coming... Frank Caputo

January 27, 2005 6:49 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duncan: You look like a much handsomer version of an acquaintance last seen in a bumblebee suit. It's unreal.

January 27, 2005 7:30 a.m.  

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